Mr. Honey, Dr. Reed, Ms. Kitt, Dr. Conner, and Ms. Sellers pose in the school entrance

A Buncombe County Schools Exceptional Children teacher is being recognized for her leadership in her school and across the state. 

Kathleen Kitt of North Windy Ridge Intermediate has been selected as an Educator of Excellence by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s Office of Exceptional Children. With the distinction, she represents Buncombe County Schools in collaborating with teachers from across North Carolina on ways to best serve students and support educators. 

BCS Associate Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Reed and BCS Exceptional Children Director Dr. Mindy Conner surprised Ms. Kitt in her classroom to celebrate her honor. 

“It is such a privilege,” Ms. Kitt shared. “I love this school and have amazing students, and I love helping them learn every day.”

Ms. Kitt holds balloons and plaque posing with her students