Title One and Parent Information
This page contains information about our school's Title 1 program. Navigate the links on the sidebar to the left for more information.
The date for this year's Tailgate Family Night and Annual Title One Meeting is September 19th at 5:30-6:30 p.m. The Title One team will present a slide show and video at two times during this drop-in event. This presentation will highlight what Title1 is, how funds are used, parent’s rights, and how to partner in your child’s education as described in the Parent/Student/Staff Compact.
You can also view a video of this presentation below. Please complete the google form after watching it.
Also, visit our district's Title One Page for Buncombe County schools using this link. District Link
If you are unable to attend our Open House and Annual Title One Meeting in person, you can view the presentation below in a slide show format.
You may contact Kim Ferguson, Title One reading specialist if you have any questions about Title One at North Windy Ridge. kimberly.ferguson@bcsemail.org

Pictures of some annual traditions in Title One:
Global Read Aloud

Improving our learning environment with Hokki Stools and Wobble Cushions

One School One Book coming in April!
Stay tuned!
District Title I Page
The district Title One page can be accessed through the following link: Buncombe County Schools Title 1 Department. If you have further questions about the federal Title One program in Buncombe County Schools, please contact the Director of Federal Programs, Jeanann Yates
Photo Gallery