Black woman wearing a gray sweatshirt going through the lunch line with her daughter who is wearing a red sweatshirt.
White male student in a gray long sleeve shirt and black apron stirring a pot full of melting marshmallows.
Students posing with certificates and medals in the BCS minitorium
Upcoming Events
Mr. Honey, Dr. Reed, Ms. Kitt, Dr. Conner, and Ms. Sellers pose in the school entrance
A student takes a close look at a robot design.
Mrs. Kitt and BCS Staff
Robotics photo
Laptop picture
Two female students drinking hot chocolate out of their ugly face mug.
Special Announcement.
Special Announcement
Special Announcement
Hurricane Helene Emergency Resources
How to help
plant picture
BCS Special Announcement Graphic
Close up of the Edulog app open on a phone being held by someone standing in front of bus 633.
Dr. Jackson addressing the crowd of BCS teammates gathered for Convocation
Students at the Greek Games