Buncombe County Schools offers a wide variety of opportunities for students from grade K-12. North Windy Ridge Intermediate School, North Buncombe Middle School, and North Buncombe High School offer Ski Club to any interested fifth and sixth graders, making this club unique to the North Buncombe community.
“It's a really fun way for staff and students to connect while learning in an entirely different environment than on campus,” explained art teacher Dietra Garden. “We are able to expose students to an outdoor sport where they can be physically active and social in a setting they might not otherwise ever get to try.”
Trying something new is not always easy. Just ask student Zoie Haney.
“It takes a lot of practice to learn not to fall, but the hardest part is learning to control where I go,” she said.
The Ski Club takes place in January and February at Wolf Ridge Ski Resort in Mars Hill, NC. It provides an abundance of learning opportunities for all participants. Students have the chance to learn to ski or snowboard. Some learn how to do both.
“It’s such a unique experience, and we see the magic happen when they finish their lessons,” said Ms. Garden. “We work with them further on riding the lifts, taking different trails, challenging themselves, and seeing progress in their skills.”
On the slopes memories are being made, and students are making lasting friendships.
“I wanted to join the ski club, because I wanted to try something new,” said student Mara Burgess. “It is very cool learning a new skill. Plus, I have opportunities to make new friends.”
Teachers work extremely hard to teach the students about math and science while at the ski resort.
“I think that Ms. Johnson is the most experienced, because she was telling me about how height affects center of gravity and balance,” stated Mara.
The idea for the Ski Club came from a group of like-minded teachers, who are passionate about education and skiing.
“This outdoor activity made sense to explore as a possibility and our partnership with Wolf Ridge made the club happen,” said Ms. Garden. “We’ve made something accessible for our students that they might not have the opportunity for otherwise. The feeling is fantastic to have our students learning and having fun in a different way than in the classroom.”
Check out this video of the Ski Club in 2020.

The Slopes of Learning
June 29, 2022